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Start Building In-Demand Tech Skills and Land a Phthon Learning Job

  • Learn from Scratch to Advance Standard Expert Instructors.
  • Delivered by 10+ years of Industry Experts.
  • Real World Project-Based Full-Stack Development Bootcamp.
  • Affordable Fees with Best Curriculum Designed by Experts.
  • Mock Interviews Sessions & Resume Building Assistance.

Phthon Learning Courses & Certifications

Python is a dynamically-typed, object-oriented, high-level programming language.Footnote1 Its built-in data structures make it useful for data analysis tasks. Python is considered readable and easy to learn, because its syntax mimics plain English.Footnote2

Python is popular among programmers. In Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, almost half of all respondents used it extensively in the last year.Footnote3 According to the same survey, Python is also the language most people are interested in learning and working with more in the future.

Its popularity and ease of application means that Python has a large community of users, ready to supplement resources and provide advice. Altogether, this makes Python coding a powerful tool in today’s software development world.

Course Curriculum​

Stage 1: Programming Fundamentals (Applicable to Both Java and Python)
Welcome to the Code Cave: Understand the basics of programming concepts like variables, data types,
operators, control flow, functions, and debugging.
Welcome Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Learn how to think like a programmer by understanding
core OOP principles like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
Algorithmic Adventures: Dive into the heart of problem-solving with essential algorithms like sorting,
searching, recursion, and dynamic programming.

Stage 2: Mastering Java (Object-Oriented Powerhouse)
Java Essentials: Dive deeper into Java syntax, data structures like arrays, linked lists, and stacks, and
explore how to build robust Java applications.
Java Frameworks Unleashed: Discover popular Java frameworks like Spring Boot and Hibernate, allowing
you to build enterprise-level applications efficiently.
Threading and Concurrency: Learn how to handle multiple tasks simultaneously in Java using threads
and concurrency techniques for increased performance.

Stage 3: Python for the Win (Versatility Champion)
Python Power Play: Unravel the beauty of Python’s simple syntax, powerful libraries like NumPy and
Pandas, and explore data analysis and scientific computing.
Web Development with Python: Build dynamic web applications using Django or Flask frameworks,
mastering routing, templates, and databases.
Machine Learning Playground: Explore the exciting world of machine learning with Python libraries like
Scikit-learn, building basic models and understanding key concepts.

Stage 4: Pro Practices and Beyond
Testing and Debugging: Learn effective testing techniques and debugging strategies to build robust and
reliable code in both Java and Python.
Version Control with Git: Master Git, the essential version control system, for collaboration and efficient
project management.
Career Launchpad: Gain the confidence and knowledge to navigate the exciting world of software
development, preparing for interviews and showcasing your skills to potential employers.
Bonus Stage: Specialization and Portfolio Power
Find Your Niche: Explore various specializations like web development, data science, machine learning,
or Android development, and tailor your learning to your passion.

Portfolio Perfection: Build a stunning portfolio showcasing your projects in both Java and Python to
impress potential employers or clients.
Continuous Learning: The programming world is ever-evolving, so embrace the challenges, stay updated
with new technologies, and never stop learning to solidify your mastery.
Remember, mastering Java and Python requires dedication, practice, and a passion for problem-solving.
This course is just the beginning of your coding adventure. So, grab your keyboard, unleash your
creativity, and conquer the world of programming!

Additional Resources:
Online communities and forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit’s programming subreddits, and specific
language forums offer valuable resources and networking opportunities.
Attend industry events like JavaOne, PyCon, and local meetups to stay updated on the latest
technologies and trends.
Practice, practice, practice! Take on personal projects, participate in online coding challenges, and
contribute to open-source projects to hone your skills and build your experience.
With dedication and perseverance, you can transform from a coding novice to a skilled developer,
wielding the power of Java and Python to build the software solutions of tomorrow. So, dive in, code
with passion, and become a master of the code!

Explore Python jobs

Python skills can lead to many different careers, from the tech industry to data roles in other industries. Python jobs exist in areas such as analytics, marketing, research, communications and more.

Jobs that use Python include:

  • Python Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Data or Quantitative Analyst
  • Technical Writer

Entry-level Python jobs may seek applicants with a few years of coding experience, but open-source contributions and short course work may be alternative options to traditional experience.

For those interested in pursuing a Python career that requires formal training, a coding boot camp or bachelor’s degree in computer science or data science might be a good fit. Additionally, a master’s degree in computer science, analytics or data science could be an option for a student looking to switch fields or become an expert.

How to become a Python developer online
A Python developer is an expert in the language, and is usually responsible for coding, designing and deploying back-end web applications for an organization in Python.Footnote4 While a data scientist or machine learning engineer may use Python as a means to complete a project, a Python developer will be creating Python code to power other tools.

To learn Python programming, programmers should work on acquiring deep knowledge of the language. Some of the core aspects of Python for a developer to learn include:

Python libraries: a collection of pre-written code that can be reused by developers to achieve complex tasks, such as pandas or NumPy.

Python frameworks: modules or packages that help developers while creating a web application, such as Django, Flask, and CherryPy.

Object-relational Mapper (ORM) libraries: abstraction on a relational database that allows a programmer to write in Python instead of SQL, such as SQLAlchemy or Django ORM.

A Python developer may also be able to achieve these skills in formal learning environments, such as a boot camp. However, more extended knowledge may be gained from a bachelor’s in computer science or even a master’s degree.

More opportunities for you to lea

Training Highlights

Industry Level projects

Immerse yourself in practical learning through classroom and online projects.

Different Learning Levels

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or expert, our classes cater to all skill levels.

Job Assistance Program

Benefit from our specialized program designed to assist you in securing employment.

Industry Mentor

Industry mentors are seasoned professionals who offer guidance and support to help individuals navigate their careers, sharing expertise and providing valuable insights.