Gozler Tech

Cyber Security

Start Building In-Demand Tech Skills and Land a Cyber Security Job

  • Learn from Scratch to Advance Standard Expert Instructors.
  • Delivered by 10+ years of Industry Experts.
  • Real World Project-Based Full-Stack Development Bootcamp.
  • Affordable Fees with Best Curriculum Designed by Experts.
  • Mock Interviews Sessions & Resume Building Assistance.

Cyber Security Courses & Certifications

The following career path is recommended for cybersecurity aspirants:
  1. Introduction to cybersecurity – Learn about the different types of cyberattacks and the actions recommended for them
  2. Operating systems – Understand how the common operating systems work in order to install, test, and run applications in a system
  3. Networking – Obtain the in-depth networking skills required to understand and protect a network and its components
  4. Protocols – Study security protocols to learn how data packets are transferred and how computers are connected in a network
  5. Programming – Learn top programming languages for identifying vulnerabilities, malware, and viruses in a system
  6. Security approaches – Gain knowledge of the critical security approaches necessary to identify and prevent threats

Once you are done with these steps, you can become an effective cybersecurity professional.

Course Curriculum​

Stage 1: Foundations of Cybersecurity
Unveiling the Digital Threats: Grasp the landscape of cyber threats, from malware and phishing attacks
to social engineering and data breaches.
Fortress Fundamentals: Understand core cybersecurity concepts like security controls, risk management,
incident response, and ethical hacking.
Networking Knowledge: Demystify network security, exploring firewalls, intrusion detection systems,
and network segmentation to fortify your digital defenses.

Stage 2: Mastering the Tools of the Trade
Command Line Kung Fu: Hone your command-line skills in Linux or Windows, essential for navigating
systems and performing security tasks.
Cryptography Cracked: Dive into the fascinating world of cryptography, understanding encryption
techniques and how to keep your data secure.
Penetration Testing Prowess: Learn the art of ethical hacking, using penetration testing tools to identify
vulnerabilities and prevent real attacks.

Stage 3: Deep Dives into Specialized Domains
Web Security Wizardry: Secure your web applications, mastering techniques like SQL injection
prevention, cross-site scripting defense, and web application firewalls.
Cloud Security Sentinel: Navigate the cloud computing landscape, understanding cloud security risks and
best practices for protecting your data in the cloud.
Mobile Security Mastermind: Fortify mobile devices and applications, exploring mobile malware threats,
secure coding practices, and mobile device management.

Stage 4: Pro Strategies and Beyond
Incident Response Responder: Train for real-world cyber attacks, learning incident response procedures,
forensics analysis, and effective communication techniques.
Threat Intelligence Tracker: Stay ahead of the curve by understanding threat intelligence, analyzing
attack trends, and predicting future threats.
Career Launchpad: Prepare for industry certifications like CISSP, CEH, or OSCP, and gain the confidence
to navigate the cybersecurity job market.
Bonus Stage: Specialization and Portfolio Power
Find Your Focus: Explore diverse cybersecurity specializations like network security, incident response,
ethical hacking, or malware analysis, and tailor your learning to your passion.

Build Your Arsenal: Develop a strong personal portfolio showcasing your cybersecurity skills and
projects, impressing potential employers or clients.
Never Stop Learning: The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, so embrace the challenges, stay
updated with new technologies and trends, and continuously push your boundaries to solidify your
Remember, conquering the digital frontier requires dedication, perseverance, and a passion for
protecting the digital world. This course is just the beginning of your cybersecurity adventure. So, grab
your digital shield, unleash your analytical prowess, and become a champion of cybersecurity!
Additional Resources:
Online communities and forums like Reddit’s r/cybersecurity and SANS Institute Information Security
Reading Room offer valuable resources and networking opportunities.
Attend industry events like Black Hat, DEF CON, and RSA Conference to stay updated on the latest
threats and trends.
Practice, practice, practice! Participate in online cybersecurity challenges, hackathons, and bug bounty
programs to hone your skills and gain real-world experience.
With dedication and unwavering vigilance, you can transform from a cybersecurity novice to a skilled
defender, safeguarding the digital future for generations to come. So, dive in, code with purpose, and
become a legend of the cyber world!

What is the recommended career path for cybersecurity aspirants?

Learning. This aspect of AI programming focuses on acquiring data and creating rules for how to turn it into actionable information. The rules, which are called algorithms, provide computing devices with step-by-step instructions for how to complete a specific task.
Reasoning. This aspect of AI programming focuses on choosing the right algorithm to reach a desired outcome.
Self-correction. This aspect of AI programming is designed to continually fine-tune algorithms and ensure they provide the most accurate results possible.
Creativity. This aspect of AI uses neural networks, rules-based systems, statistical methods and other AI techniques to generate new images, new text, new music and new ideas.

Training Highlights

Industry Level projects

Immerse yourself in practical learning through classroom and online projects.

Different Learning Levels

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or expert, our classes cater to all skill levels.

Job Assistance Program

Benefit from our specialized program designed to assist you in securing employment.

Industry Mentor

Industry mentors are seasoned professionals who offer guidance and support to help individuals navigate their careers, sharing expertise and providing valuable insights.